Sunday, November 30, 2008

holiday blues


* headaches (没有.)
* inability to sleep or sleeping too much (有,睡过多)
* changes in appetite causing weight loss or gain(有增无减,这题勾)
* agitation and anxiety(嗯...会也!)
* excessive or inappropriate feelings of guilt(这么会那么准!)
* diminished ability to think clearly or concentrate(一直以来都是,不只假期...)
* decreased interest in activities that usually bring pleasure, such as:
o food(怎么可能?)
o sex (害羞...)
o work(都没有work)
o friends(不会啦!)
o hobbies ( 还好...)
o entertainment (最近好像不爱出门...)



* increased stress
* fatigue
* unrealistic expectations
* inability to be with family
* memories of past holiday celebrations
* over commercialization
* change in diet
* change in daily routines



The DO's of managing holiday blues:
-Do follow the three basics for good health: right.
...get plenty of rest.
...exercise regularly.
-Do set realistic goals:
...organize your time.
...make lists.
...make a budget and follow it.
-Do let go of the past and create new or different ways to celebrate.
-Do allow yourself to feel sad, lonely or melancholy -- these are normal feelings, particularly at holiday times.
-Do something for someone else.
-Do enjoy activities that are free.
-Do spend time with people who care about you.
-Do spend time with new people or a different set of friends or family.
-Do contact someone with whom you have lost touch.
-Do give yourself a break -- plan to prepare (or buy) one special meal, purchase one special gift, and take in one special event. The rest can be ordinary, but will seem special because of the time of year and the people you're with.
-Do treat yourself as a special holiday guest.

The DON'Ts of managing holiday blues:
-Don't drink too much alcohol.
-Don't overindulge in holiday foods, especially those that are high in sugar and fat.
-Don't have unrealistic expectations of yourself or others.
-Don't dwell on the past.
-Don't focus on what you don't have.
-Don't spend money you don't have.

实际上并不用害怕,所谓holiday blues就是假期才会发生的,假期结束后就会跟着说拜拜了!
到时就变成"school days blues"或者"after holiday blues"...

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